Botanická fotogalerie - fotogalerie rostlin
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Campanula sibirica L.

FamilyCampanulaceae (?)More information
Biolib, Florius, Google Scholar
Fruit typeSpecies distributionCZ
Life formhemi-cryptophyte (Hkf) (?)
Flowering monthJune, July
Altitudinal classlowlands, uplands
VegetationTeucrio botryos-Melicetum ciliatae, Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis, Poo badensis-Festucetum pallentis, Minuartio setaceae-Seslerietum caeruleae, Astragalo exscapi-Crambetum tatariae (?)
Biotoperock/scree/quarry, secondary grassland, dry-grassland
Originnative (?)
Red list of the CZC3 (?)

    Webmaster: Dana Holubová (roz. Michalcová)Updated: 14.9.2024
