Botanická fotogalerie - fotogalerie rostlin
Ústav botaniky a zoologie MU - logo


The Botanical photo-gallery is a database of photographs of vascular plants and plant communities. It concentrates on uncultivated species or species that have escaped from cultivation in the Czech Republic. The database provides also basic information on the vascular plant’s, e.g. family, life-form, flower colour, flowering time or fruit type. It also contains some micro-photographs, scans and drawings, which often display important plant features essential for correct species determination. We believe that with rising number of available photos this photo-gallery becomes an important tool for plant species identification and teaching. Botanical photo-gallery is also via direct links connected to other ecological databases (e.g.,, Biolib, Florabase, CLO-PLA), which helps speed up the search for information on particular species.

Botanical photo-gallery is a project in which the main authors are employees of the Department of Botany and Zoology Faculty of Science Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. It was partly funded by Fond Rozvoje Vysokých Škol (FRVŠ) in 2011. Further improvements were partly funded by the Education modularity of evolutionary and ecological biology project in 2012–13. In 2014 was the activity of the foto-gallery partly funded by Fond rozvoje Masarykovy univerzity (FRMU). In 2014–2018, the Botanical photogallery was supported by the Centre of excelence Pladias project (GA ČR), in 2019–2023 by the EXPRO Centre for European Vegetation Syntheses project (GA ČR), and in 2024 it is partly financed from the funds raised by the public collection, partly from the support of the Dean of the Faculty of Science PřF MU for the Atlas of the Czech flora project.

Botanical photogallery was born in 2011 to ammass species and vegetation photographs of the Czech Republic, it was an essential informatics infrastructure to collect photographs for the Pladias project. In 2021 the database switched from a national to a European project to implement the amassed photos into the new online database of the European flora and vegetation (FloraVeg.EU).


If you would like to provide photos of European taxa or syntaxa for Botanical photogallery, or FloraVeg.EU, please contact Dana Holubová (



  • Kubát K., Hrouda L., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z., Kirschner J. & Štěpánek J. (eds.) (2002): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. – Academia, Praha.


  • Chytrý M. [ed.], Douda J., Roleček J., Sádlo J., Boublík K., Hédl R., Vítková M., Zelený D., Navrátilová J., Neuhäuslová Z., Petřík P., Kolbek J., Lososová Z., Šumberová K. Hrivnák R., Michalcová D., Žáková K., Danihelka J., Tichý L., Zouhar V. Hájek O. & Kočí M. (2013): Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace. – Academia, Praha.
  • Chytrý M. [ed.], Kočí M., Šumberová K., Sádlo J., Krahulec F., Hájková P., Hájek M., Hoffman A., Blažková D. Kučera T., Novák J., Řezníčková M., Černý T., Härtel H., Simonová D., Tichý L., Knollová I., Otýpková Z., Danihelka J., Hájek O., Kubošová K., Karimová K. & Rozehnal J. (2007): Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková vegetace. – Academia, Praha.
  • Chytrý M. [ed.], Láníková D., Lososová Z., Sádlo J., Otýpková Z., Kočí M., Petřík P., Šumberová K., Neuhäuslová Z., Hájková P., Hájek M., Králová Š., Karimová K., Danihelka J., Tichý L., Michalcová D., Hájek O. & Kubošová K. (2009): Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace. – Academia, Praha.
  • Chytrý M. [ed.], Šumberová K., Hájková P., Hájek M., Hroudová Z., Navrátilová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Sádlo J., Lososová Z., Hrivnák R., Rydlo J., Oťaheľová H., Bauer P., Hanáková P., Ekrt L., Ekrtová E., Michalcová D., Žáková K., Danihelka J., Králová Š., Karimová K., Tichý L., Hájek O. & Kočí M. (2011): Vegetace České republiky 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace. – Academia, Praha.


Michalcová D. (2013): Botanická fotogalerie a další pomůcky k určování rostlin. Živa 1/2013: XI–XII. pdf

Webmaster: Dana Holubová (roz. Michalcová)Updated: 3.2.2025
